-Full mod
-Added asus musik
-MTK enginering
-Xperia keyboard
-Gapps include
-Better batrey
-Replacing bootanimasi from stock
- Replacing z camera to snapIt
-Added asus musik
-MTK enginering
-Xperia keyboard
-Gapps include
-Better batrey
-Replacing bootanimasi from stock
- Replacing z camera to snapIt
#cara instal
-Reboot recovery
-Full wipe ( data,system,cache,dalvik)
-Instal rom and wait 15 minutes
-Done Reboot
-after booted cek selinux mode changer permissive and reboot again
-Reboot recovery
-Full wipe ( data,system,cache,dalvik)
-Instal rom and wait 15 minutes
-Done Reboot
-after booted cek selinux mode changer permissive and reboot again
#Note: boot lama jangan dikira bootloop tongue emoticon
Setelah sampai home screen wajib reboot lagi.
-kalo pengen background settings berubah putih hapus file art_settings di /system/vendor/overlay/disini
Setelah sampai home screen wajib reboot lagi.
-kalo pengen background settings berubah putih hapus file art_settings di /system/vendor/overlay/disini
#credit :
- John Gothi
- Aaron Cruz
- Virtually Richie
- Rohan Taneja (for Custom Kernel)
- Reza Bootlove (for fix charging)
- Lenovo k3 note
- Lenovo a7000 INDONESIA - Dan mastah2 semuanya
- John Gothi
- Aaron Cruz
- Virtually Richie
- Rohan Taneja (for Custom Kernel)
- Reza Bootlove (for fix charging)
- Lenovo k3 note
- Lenovo a7000 INDONESIA - Dan mastah2 semuanya
i have installed ghost rom and i experienced some minor bugs in it. like multitasking button and app lock button are at same place, so it is difficult to tap on multitasking button. and another when we open whatsapp and chrome up and down, after that when we write something in upper app after one alphabet keyboard dissapear. i know that u can fixx this. so thanks in advance.