Change/Write IMEI using SN Write Tool For MTK Devices.

  1. Download and extract SN Wrote Tool on your system.
  2. now open the SN writer.exe file
  3. SN writer dialogue box appears click on the ComPort and select USB VCOM then target type : Smart Phone.
  4. now click on system config it will launch more options in that select or tick IMEI , BT Address and WiFi Address in write option.
  5. if your device is dual sim supported then tick on Dual IMEI option (If Single Sim Skip This Step)
  6. now under database file option , add the MD!_DB and AP_DB (both comes with the firmware of your device).
  7. now just click on save button and now final step is to click on the start button.
  8. now , under the scan data write the IMEI_1 (which is located on your device box or under the battery) and IMEI_2, Bluetooth Address, WiFi Address and click on OK button.
  9. now you can connect the phone through USB after switch off the phone and plug out the battery and it will appear as follows.
  10. once the IMEI writing is done you will see a green pass message.
Software Link : Click Here

